A guide for discussing abuse and violence with your children

When something happens to a young person in our community the children and youth in our lives may have questions about what happened or concerns about their own safety or the safety of others. As adults, we may wish to discuss aspects of an event to address particular issues, correct misinformation they may be exposed to, and help our children feel safe and protected.

Adults are responsible for children’s safety

Children should never be given the message that they are responsible for protecting themselves, nor should staff, educators, parents/caregivers expect children to protect themselves.

It is the responsibility of adults to protect children. There are laws that compel adults to report harm or suspicions of harm to the authorities.

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As a parent or caregiver, it’s important to discuss abuse and violence with your children to help them understand what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. These conversations can be difficult and uncomfortable, but they are crucial for keeping your child safe.

Tips to discussing abuse & violence with children

Remember that discussing abuse and violence with your child is an ongoing conversation. It’s important to continue to have open and honest conversations with your child as they grow and develop, and to always be there to support and protect them.


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